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Envirnomental days

University of Baltistan, Skardu Jovially Celebrates National Defence Day, Prime Minister Laptop Distribution and Prize Distribution Ceremony with Great Sense of Patriotism

Chief Minster Gilgit-Baltistan, Hafiz Hafiz-ur-Rahman Chairs the Ceremony and Distributes Laptop among the students

Students of UOBS Receive Prizes and Shields on Best Performance of Sportsmen Spirit and Talent Show.

(Skardu) University of Baltistan, Skardu jovially celebrated National Defence Day, Prime Minister Laptop Distribution and Prize Distribution Ceremony with Great Sense of Patriotism today at the university. Chief Minster Gilgit-Baltistan, Hafiz Hafiz-ur-Rahman chaired the Ceremony and distributed PM Laptops among the students. The DIG Baltistan Nazir Gara, DC Skardu Nadeem Nasir, DC Skardu, Friends of Baltistan, Senior Minster Haji Akbar Taban, Education Minster Ibrahim Sanai, Major Muhammad Amin, Kacho Imtiaz, other members of GB Assembly and hundreds of guests, students and faculty attended the ceremony. 

Addressing to the audience different speakers shed light on the importance of Defence Day. The Vice Chancellor UOBS addressing to the audience welcomed the guests to the university and expressed his determination to make the university a world class university. He also emphasized on the socio-economic, cultural and tourism development of the region and offers the services of UOBS to every institution. 

Addressing to the participants, Education Minster Ibrahim Sanai expressed his best wishes to work on the educational improvement and development of the region. He said the survival of every nation depends on better education of the youth. 
Addressing to the audience, Senior Minster Haji Akbar Tabaan said that the youth especially the students must work hard for the prosperity of the nation in every field through better education. 

The CM GB distributed laptops among the students of UOBS and congratulated them. During the session prizes in connection with Sports Gala and Talen Hunt Activities were also distributed among the students who had got positions in various activities. 

In the end, the Chief Guest, the Chief Minister Gilgit-Baltistan Hafiz Hafiz-ur-Rahman generally appreciated the performance of the students and especially the role of the university in the region with in a short span of time after its establishment. He further said that our youth perhaps need special career counseling as they seem to opt only science subjects and do not prefer social sciences creating a big gap and space in the said field. He said if UOBS runs with the same speed, it may not take a long time to reach its ultimate destination of success.


Pakistan Independence Day

University of Baltistan, Skardu Convivially and With Great Spirit of Patriotism Celebrated Flag Hoisting Ceremony on the Spot of Independence of Pakistan. 
(Skardu) University of Baltistan, Skardu Convivially and with Great Spirit of Patriotism celebrated Flag Hoisting Ceremony on the spot of Independence of Pakistan today at the varsity. Speaker GB Assembly Fida Muhammad Nashad chaired as chief guest of the ceremony and Honorable Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Muhammad Naeem Khan, Treasurer Rao Muhammad Sharif, Director Academics Dr. Zakir Hussain and Controller Examinations Dr. Ghulam Raza were hosting this national commemorating ceremony. Faculty members, staff and students enthusiastically attended and celebrated the Independence Day of Pakistan demonstrating great love and solidarity with the beloved country singing national songs that the huge audience applauded devotedly and genuinely. University of Baltistan, Skardu was stunningly and fascinatingly decorated with colorful green flags and balloons. 
Speaker GB Assembly Fida Nashad and Vice Chancellor Prof Dr. Muhammad Naeem Khan showing national integrity and solidarity hoisted the charming and soothing flag erecting to the sky. In addition to the flag hoisting passionate moment, national anthem of Pakistan enthused and regaled the audience with spiritual spell of patriotism. 
Chief Guest of the ceremony Speaker GB Assembly Fida Muhammad Nashad said that the people of Gilgit-Baltistan are inborn and spiritual patriots of Pakistan and do not feel any reluctance in sacrificing their lives for the protection of the beloved country. He further said that other four provinces were amalgamated in Pakistan in distribution after Muslim independence in the subcontinent but Gilgit-Baltistan autonomously got freedom from the Dogra-Raj and mingled in Pakistan on 14th August 1948, on year after the independence of Pakistan. He further said the battle for the empowerment of Pakistan as a country is still continued and only the education is the only weapon in this mêlée for national integrity and solidarity which truly depends on the youth of the nation. He emphasized on the significance of University of Baltistan, Skardu in contributing to the nations growth and development with the force of education. 
On this auspicious moment, Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Muhammad Naeem Khan said that it is was a dual independence day; firstly, the independence day of Pakistan commemorating 14th August 1947 and secondly the independence day of Baltistan from Dogra-Raj on 14th August 1948. He said that the youth of Gilgit-Baltistan has strong potentials, creative capabilities, inborn qualities and high moral values which is the epitome of excellence in various social, national and moral values and norms.

University of Baltistan Skardu Observes Plantation Day


Faculty members, students and staff at University of Baltistan showed their deep attachment with nature/environment by planting trees with the slogan “Go green!”. University management, faculty members, staff and students celebrated the day with great zeal and zest. The Campus Director, Dr. Irshad Ali, opened the ceremony by planting a pine tree in the Campus vicinity. Likewise, all the Department Heads, faculty, staff members and students planted various types of trees to beautify and improve the campus ecology. 









University of Baltistan marks Pakistan Day

On 23rd March 2018, University of Baltistan arranged a session to mark Pakistan Day. All the faculty members, staff, and students gathered to the podium for the flag-hoisting ceremony led by Dr. Irshad Ali, the Campus Director. Subsequently, the first-round of HEC sponsored declamation contest for Alama Iqbal Shield formally began. Students participated in Urdu and English declamation contests with great enthusiasm. Afterward, cheques of HEC need and merit-based scholarship were distributed among five students. The session concluded with the announcement of results of the declamation contest by Dr. Haji Karim Khan (Urdu), and Mr. Sajjad Hussain Sering (English) followed by the clinching words of Dr. Irshad Ali, the Campus Director.