- Walk in interview CS Department 26-08-2024
- Walk-in Interview Instructor Chinese Language 08-08-2024
- Teaching Associate & Visiting faculty Members for Fall Semester 2024 23-07-2024
- List of Qualified Candidates for the post of Junior Programmer (Contract) 22-07-2024
- Positions Vacant 21-06-2024
- Vacancy Announcement: Research Associate 23-04-2024
- Announcement for Internship program 23-04-2024
- Position Announcement, Vice Chancellor 15-04-2024
- List of Applicants for Deputy Director QECACS 12-03-2024
- Walk-in Interview 27-02-2024
- List of Shortlisted Candidates and Interview Schedule 16-02-2024
- Positions Vacant (faculty/administrative positions) 23-01-2024
- Research Associate Required 16-01-2024
- Test, Post of Cook (BPS-5) 02-01-2024
- 2022
- Final List of Successful Candidates against the position(s) of (Superintendent, Assistant and Technician)
- Final candidates for faculty/administrative positions
- Written Test of Lab Assistant Biology Contract
- Positions Vacant
- Position Announcement Vice Chancellor, UoBS
- Shortlisted candidates for the written test against the position of Additional Director QEC (BPS-19)
- Final List of Shortlisted Candidates for the position of “Technician”
- Test Result for the Post of Superintendent
- Test Result for the Post of Assistant
- Shortlisted Candidates for written test (Assistant,Superintendent)
- Final List of Shortlisted Candidates for the post of “Superintendent “
- Provisional List “Additional Director ORIC“
- Provisional List “Additional Director QEC “
- Provisional List of Shortlisted Candidates Superintendent
- corrigendum for the position of Superintendent
- Internship Opportunities
- Positions Vacant (Faculty/administrative/Project positions)
- 2021
- 2020
- Consultancy Services Required for GLOF-II
- Positions Vacant
- Admin and faculty positions
- Visiting Faculty for Spring, 2021
- visiting faculty 2020
- Research Associates
- advertisement_registrar
- Assistant BPS-16 Test
- Assistant-BPS-16
- List of Selected Candidates for Different faculty Positions
- Sub Engineer Civil
- Lab Assistant Chemistry
- Assistant Registrar (BPS-17)
- Secretary to Vice Chancellor (BPS-17)
- Lecturer (Education)
- Assistant_Professor(Education)
- Assistant Professor (Islamiat)
- Position Vacant for the Post of Treasurer BPS-20
- 2019
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