Irectorate of Planning and Development
The Directorate of Planning and Development (P&D) is one of the prime offices to propose the future plans and course of action. The directorate envision contextually relevant, nationally demanding and globally applicable departments, programs, centers, institutes, schools and development projects. The directorate of P&D not only submit concept notes, proposals and PC-1 for projects but also coordinate and facilitate with other directorates and departments to hunt funded projects, capacity building and exchange opportunities, improving infrastructure, facilities and capabilities of different sections and departments of the university.
Immediately after the formal functioning of the newly born university, the directorate chalked out the university “Future Plan”, a document of strategic planning. After a short period of 5 to six years, steps have been taken in the right direction toward achieving the goals set in this “Future Plan”. Although the ‘future plans’ will remain evolving, it gives the right direction to move forward.
Being well cognizant of the financial challenges of the institutions of higher education in Pakistan due to HEC budget reduction, the Directorate of P&D with the Directorate of External Linkages, finds opportunities of externally supported projects for capacity building, research and innovation, improving and introducing new facilities and infrastructures. Offer of high tech free online courses, conferences, commitments of establishing laboratories, centers and schools by international partners, faculty and students exchange programs, internship and scholarship opportunities by partner organizations and institutions are all made possible by the Directorate of P&D in collaboration with the Directorates of External Linkages, ORIC and other concerned departments. Resource enhancement of both physical and human resources is one of the core aims of the directorate. Due administrative facilitation of this directorate can translate the plans into reality.