Dr. Zahoor Hussain Shah
Research Fellow / Campus Administrator
Department of Computer Science
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Dr. Zahoor Hussain Shah, has completed his early education from prominent educational institutes of Pakistan. He completed Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) From University of Sindh in the year of 2006 and Completed MS in Networks and Telecommunication from the Muhammad Ali Jinnah University by the year of 2010. Furthermore, he received his PhD degree in Information Technology in 2018. He was subsequently awarded a Doctorate of Information Technology by University of Sindh.

He has 28 publications in several fields of Information Technology including national and international journals. Moreover, he is reviewer of International Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems by Taylor and Francis and National Journal of Science, Technology and Development.

His research interests are IOT Based Smart Systems, Cyber security, biometric sensors for security applications, Smart energy management Systems, context awareness Techniques and Security challenges in Information Systems.

Previously, he was engaged as District Administer/Principle of National Vocational and Technical Training Commission Pakistan, Gilgit and Network Engineer at University of Sindh. He also remained as Researcher HEC-NRPU project for two years. Furthermore, He received research NRPU project in account of his research contribution.

In addition, Dr. Zahoor Hussain worked with Indus University Karachi in capacity of as an Assistant Professor from 03rd December, 2018 and as a Chairperson in the Department of Computing, Faculty of Computing & Information Technology from 26th August, 2019 to 8th March,2023.

Dr. Zahoor Shah has 10 years of, Administration, Teaching and Research experience respectively.

[1]           Zahoor. Hussain, Shahzad Memon,Lachhman Das,Muhammad Hammad u Salam, Jawad Hussain Awan” Issues and Challenges of Existing Electricity Pre-Paid Smart Metering Systems: A Review” Science, Technology and Development, Vol, 36,  no,1,44-52,2017 https://journal-index.org/index.php/asi/article/view/440

[2]          Z.Hussain, S. Memon, Ld Dhomeja, and S. Abbasi. "Analysis of Non-Technical Electrical Power Losses and their economic Impact on Pakistan." Sindh University Research Journal-SURJ (Science Series) 49, no. 2 (2017). https://hjrs.hec.gov.pk/index.php?r=site%2Fresult&id=912623#journal_result

[3]          Zahoor. Hussain, Shahzad Memon, Lachhman Das, Atta-ur-Rahman “Design of an On-Demand Electric Power Load Management Service for Smart Meters Using GSM” Science, Technology and Development 35 (4), 179-184, 2016 https://journal-index.org/index.php/asi/article/view/440

[4]          SHAH, RH, S. MEMON, IA ISMAILI, Z. HUSSAIN, M. HAMMAD, U. SALAM, and A. AYAZ. "Portable Ground Based Solar Energy Mapping System." Sindh University Research Journal-SURJ (Science Series) 50, no. 4 (2018): 541-546.         https://hjrs.hec.gov.pk/index.php?r=site%2Fresult&id=912623#journal_result

[5]          SALAM, HU, S. MEMON, L. DAS, and Z. HUSSAIN. "Drone Based Resilient Network Architecture for Survivals in Earthquake Zones in Pakistan." Sindh University Research Journal-SURJ (Science Series) 50, no. 01 (2018): 175-182. https://hjrs.hec.gov.pk/index.php?r=site%2Fresult&id=912623#journal_result

[6]          Zahoor Hussain, Rameez Mahesar, RazaHussain Shah, and Nasir Ahmed Memon. "WhatsApp Usage Frequency by University Students: A Case Study of Sindh University." Engineering Science and Technology International Research Journal, Vol.1, No.4, Dec, 2017.

[7]          Zahoor Hussain,Shahzad Memon, Fauiza Talpur,Nisar Memon,Raza Hussain Shah, Shazia Abbasi” Google Map/GIS Based Smart Anti-Theft Approach for Electricity Meter” (2017) Engineering Science And Technology International Research Journal

[8]          Abbasi, Shazia, Zahoor Hussain, and Raze Hussain Shah. "Global System for Mobile (GSM) based Ignition Control System for Vehicles." Engineering Science and Technology International Research Journal 1 (2), 41-46, (2017).

[9]          Mughal, Samreen, Raza Hussain Shah, Zahoor Hussain, and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. "A Dominant Last Mile Connectivity Solution for 3G/4G Cellular Networks in Karachi." Engineering Science and Technology International Research Journal, (2017).


[10]      Zahoor Hussain, Muhammad Ismail, Shad Mohammad, Shunaila Jabeen “An Android Based Smart System to Control and Monitor Home Appliances Using Arduino Microcontroller” University of Sindh Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2020, pg.: 287 -294(USJICT)


[11]        Hussain Zahoor, S. Zafar Nasir, Muhammad Ismail, Muhammad Hammad-u- Salam, “IOT Based Smart Energy Harvester Linked to Human Body”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 19, no. 08 (2019),63-69


[12]        Hussain, Zahoor, Zafar Nasir†, Sayed H “An Approach to Energy Economy in Household Environment Using Smart System International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 9 no.3,(2018),74-78


[13]        Hussain, Zahoor, Shahzad Memon, Lachhman Das, Muhammad Hammad-u-Salam, Nasir Ahemd Memon, Jawad Hussain Awan, Raza Hussain Shah, and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. "GSM Based On Demand Smart Power Load Management Service Module." IJCSNS 17, no. 9 (2017): 39. https://hjrs.hec.gov.pk/index.php?r=site%2Fresult&id=1019410#journal_result

[14]        Hussain, Zahoor, Muhammad Hammad-u-Salam, Shahid Muner Shah, Raza Hussain Shah, Nisar Ahmed Memon, Muhammad Memon, and Rahaat Ali Khan. "Technical Losses Ratio: Analysis of Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Network." International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 18, No. 9 (2018): 131-136 https://hjrs.hec.gov.pk/index.php?r=site%2Fresult&id=1019410#journal_result

[15]        Hussain, Zahoor, Shahzad Memon, Shehnila Zardari, Raza Hussain Shah, and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. "Systematic analysis of smart meter technologies and their implantation challenges in Pakistan." Sci. Int.(Lahore) 28, no. 4 (2016): 113-120. https://mjl.clarivate.com:/search-results?issn=1013-5316&hide_exact_match_fl=true&utm_source=mjl&utm_medium=share-by-link&utm_campaign=search-results-share-this-journal

[16]        Hussain, Zahoor, Shahzad Memon, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Raza Hussain Shah, and Abdul Waheed Solangi. "Impact of Wireless Communication Networks on Smart Grid & Electrical Power Distribution Systems of Electricity Infrastructure." Sci. Int.(Lahore) 28, no. 5 (2016): 4959-4964. https://mjl.clarivate.com:/search-results?issn=1013-5316&hide_exact_match_fl=true&utm_source=mjl&utm_medium=share-by-link&utm_campaign=search-results-share-this-journal

[17]        Abbasi, Shazia, Khalid Hussain Mohammadani, Zahoor Hussain, Jawad Hussain Awan, and Raza Hussain Shah. "Evolution of V2V Routing Protocols In Realistic Scenario of National Highway NH-5 Pakistan." Sci. Int 28, no. 5 (2016): 4711-4714. https://mjl.clarivate.com:/search-results?issn=1013-5316&hide_exact_match_fl=true&utm_source=mjl&utm_medium=share-by-link&utm_campaign=search-results-share-this-journal

[18]        SALAM, HU , Hussain, Zahoor, Raza Hussain Shah, and Nisar Ahmed Memon. "Sensor Based Survival Detection System In Earthquake Disaster Zones." IJCSNS 18, no. 5 (2018): 46. https://hjrs.hec.gov.pk/index.php?r=site%2Fresult&id=1019410#journal_result

[19]        Awan, Jawad Hussain, Shahzad Memon, Shariq Mehmood Pathan, Muhammad Usman, Rahat Ali Khan, Shazia Abbasi, Abdul Qudoos Noonari, and Zahoor Hussain. "A user friendly security framework for the protection of confidential information." Int. J. Comput. Sci. Netw. Secur 17, no. 04 (2017): 215-223. https://hjrs.hec.gov.pk/index.php?r=site%2Fresult&id=1019410#journal_result

[20]        Awan, Jawad Hussain, Shahzad Memon, Rahat Ali Khan, Abdul Qudoos Noonari, Zahoor Hussain, and Muhammad Usman. "Security strategies to overcome cyber measures, factors and barriers." Eng. Sci. Technol. Int. Res. J 1, no. 1 (2017): 51-58.

[21]        Muhammad Hammad-u-Salam, Zahoor Hussain, Shunaila Jabeen, “A Review: An Active Response Smart System for Survival” International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, Available Online athttp://www.warse.org/IJETER/static/pdf/file/ijeter07972021.pdf,https://doi.org/10.30534/ijeter/2021/07972021, Volume 9. No. 7, July 2021, pp, 875 – 884 https://hjrs.hec.gov.pk/index.php?r=site%2Fresult&id=493086#journal_result

[22]        Mujeeb-ur-Rehman, Abdullah Lakhan, Zahoor Hussain, Fida Hussain Khoso, Aijaz Ahmed Arain” Cyber Security Intelligence and Ethereum Block chain Technology for E-commerce” International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research Available Online at http://www.warse.org/IJETER/static/pdf/file/ijeter21972021.pdf,https://doi.org/10.30534/ijeter/2021/21972021, Volume 9. No. 7, July 2021, pp, 967 – 972 https://hjrs.hec.gov.pk/index.php?r=site%2Fresult&id=493086#journal_result

[23]        Muhammad Hammad-u-Salam, Zahoor Hussain, Shunaila Jabeen,” IOT Based Smart System for Servival Detection in Disasters Zones” International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering Available Online at http://www.warse.org/IJATCSE/static/pdf/file/ijatcse1471032021.pdf https://doi.org/10.30534/ijatcse/2021/1481032021, Volume 10, No.3, May - June 2021 https://hjrs.hec.gov.pk/index.php?r=site%2Fresult&id=488036#journal_result

 [24 ] Hussain, Zahoor, Shahzad Memon, Razahussain Shah, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, and Mahmoud Aljawarneh. "Methods and techniques of electricity thieving in Pakistan." Journal of Power and Energy Engineering 4, no. 09 (2016): 1.

[25]        Hussain, Zahoor, Dayal Das, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Muhammad Hammad-u-Salam, Fauzia Talpur, and Glub Rai. "E-Banking Challenges in Pakistan: An Empirical Study." Journal of Computer and Communications 5, no. 02 (2017): 1.

[26]        Hussain, Zahoor, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Gulab Rai, Majid Hussain, and Kashif Zaheer. "Statistical analysis of network based issues and their impact on social computing practices in Pakistan.”." Journal of Computer and Communications 4 (2016): 23.

Conference Paper

[27]     Small-Scale Solar Energy Based Charging Stations: Concept, Scope And Challenges In Pakistan

(International Conference on Energy, 2015 Quaid-Awam-University)

[28]      Smart Metering System Solutions And Implementations Challenges In Pakistan

(10th National Conference - Mathematics, Computer Science & Statistics (MCS 10) at IoBM, Karachi)

  1. Session Chair at the “11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING, INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND INTERNET OF THINGS (ICDCII)” organized by Faculty of Science & Technology, ILMA University scheduled to be held from October 20 to 21, 2021.
  2. The 2nd Int'l Conference on Automatic Control, Mechatronics and Industrial Engineering, ACMIE,22-24 November 2019, Guilin, China
  3. Session Chair at the 2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference in Emerging Research Trends Organized by Indus university from 4-5 January 2023
  1. Member Board of Studies, Computer Science, Dawood University of Engineering and Technology
  2. Member Board of studies, FEST, Indus University,

Member in NTC NCRC on Information Security Engg Tech at Usman Institute of Technology University (UITU), Karachi on March 1-3, 2023

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Sciences National and International Editorial Board Members. Sindh Madressatul Islam University, http://ijaims.smiu.edu.pk/ijaims/index.php/AIMS/987

  1. International Journal Name: Electric Power Components and Systems by Taylor and Francis
  2. International Journal Name: IEEE Access, Multidisciplinary Open Access Journal
  3. International Journal Name: AI Scholar Expert Reviewer (AEIC, Academic Exchange Information Center China)
  4. International Journal Name: Connection Science, Routledge Taylor and Francis
  5. National Journal Name: Science, Technology and Development
  6. National Journal Name: University of Sindh Journal of Information and Communication Technology (USJICT)

1            Design and Development of Smart Electrical Power Load Management (SEPLM) Service Architecture

National Research Program for Universities Research grants (NRU project) Project No: 6728/Sindh/NRPU/R&D/HEC2015

  1. Smart Surveillance System Based On Real-Time Identification (Sssbri), Indus University, Karachi, 2019)
  2. Under Surface Object Detection Smart Robot Based On Gsm Communication (Uodsrs) , Indus University, Karachi, 2019)“National Grassroots ICT Research Initiative 2019 (NGIRI FY 2018-19)”
  3. Context Centric Detection System, Ngiri-2020-3056, Indus University, Karachi, 2020) Indus University,

“National Grassroots ICT Research Initiative 2019 (NGIRI FY 2019-20)” Indus University,  

  1. Human Activity Detection System “National Grassroots ICT Research Initiative 2019 (NGIRI FY 2019-20)”
  2. IOT based Smart Metering based on Dynamic Power Load Management, Indus University,

               National Grassroots ICT Research Initiative 2021 (NGIRI FYp 2020-21)” 54410, 2021

  • Development of Smart Agricultural Model Based on IoT (DSAM) (BSSE), Indus Uni,2021
  • Designing of Smart Meter(BSCS), Computing Department, Indus University, Karachi, 2020)
  • Human Activity Detection System, (BSCS), Computing Department, Indus University, Karachi, 2020)
  • Under Surface Object Detection Smart Robot Based On Gsm Communication (Uodsrs) (BSCS), Computing Department, Indus University, Karachi, 2019)
  • Smart Surveillance System Based on Real-time Identification (SSSBRTI) (BSCS), Computing Department, Indus University, Karachi, 2019)
  • Android Based Power Monitoring and Controlling System for Home (BSIT), IICT, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, 2018)
  • Electricity Theft Detection Technique by Using Power Line Communication (Plc.) (BSIT, IICT, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, 2018)
  • High level Architecture of Home Based Smart Energy Management System(MSIT, ICT, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, 2017)


https://Zahoor Hussain shah Google scholar